QT or HTML for Embedded Device?

I used in a project to develop an touch screen HMI for embedded device. It has a tight cost target and ambitious UI friendliness requirement. (Not surprising, product manager always wants the best with the lest cost, 😀)

The choice of the architecture is either thin client or rich client. We eliminate the Flash solution at the beginning because it is resource hungry. Then it is the difficult time to consider the either QT solution or it is a thin client like HTML.

HTML looks attractive. Now you can see almost everything can be deployed on cloud and accessed by HTML.  We were diverted to investigate the possibility of HTML solution and try to build an demo of customized Web Browser.

With the progress, it becomes more clear that neither by processor nor FPGA can deliver the expected performance within our cost target. The final solution pointed to QT.

Then I found this white paper. http://www.embedded-computing.com/industrial/qt-or-html5

I hope it could be released earlier so we can save a lot of time and money for the same answer.

One point to add, our device need both high end (5 inch touch screen ) and low end (3.4 inch TFT with text emenu) solution. There is no way to have a unified solution if we choose HTML. QT should be a straightforward answer.


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